“Throw it out if it does not spark joy”

This advice upsets us somewhat. Many people throw things away and regret it later. What does not “spark joy” today does not mean it won’t work at a later date.

Instead of asking yourself if an item sparks joy, ask if it’s something you’d buy again, or if it’s easily replaceable. This is an especially helpful question when wondering if the item will be needed later in life – often people keep items because they are worried they’ll need it “later”

One method to combat this is to use the “20-20 ” rule If you could replace the item in 20 minutes for $20 or less, it’s safe to let go. Of course this is a guide only, you might want to use a “24hr-$100” – whatever works for you 🙂

Our advice when decluttering is to understand WHY you are decluttering. If you are decluttering purely to reclaim space in your home, consider using vacuum storage bags to reduce the size of blankets, doonas, old clothes or baby’s soft toys.

For other items, lining a large box with a vacuum storage bag and gently sucking out the air will protect the contents from bugs, water and mildew.

Label decluttered bags and boxes with the items and the date before storing them away. (an easy way is with masking tape and a permanent marker)

If you have not used those items in a full 12 months, then you might consider removing them from your home.